About NRSL

Owing to the world-wide demands of measurement traceability in international trade, medical treatment and health, public safety and environmental protection, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) moved the establishment of the National Radiation Standard Laboratory (NRSL) by the Weights and Measures Act and entrusted the work to the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) in 1992.



NRSL was born with the responsibilities of establishing and maintaining the nation’s measurement standards on the area of ionizing radiation, ensuring the consistency between national and international measurement standards, and support the establishment of the national traceability system.


Measurement Capability

The ionizing radiation measurement standards established at the NRSL consist of photon, beta, neutron dosimetry and radionuclide activity. Their traceability to and consistency with international standards are ensured by entries of related comparison results into the key comparison database (KCDB)of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). NRSL’s calibration and measurement capabilities tables (CMC tables) have been reviewed by regional metrological bodies and entered into the BIPM KCDB in 2006 and obtained CIPM-MRA Logo license in 2008.


Traceability of Measurement



Comparison code(year of implementation)



APMP.RI(Ⅰ)-K1 (1999)

60Co absorbed dose to water

Piloted by  NMIJ/Japan

APMP.RI(Ⅱ)-S2 166mHo(1999)

166mHo reaction of ion chamber

Approved for equivalence (2003)

APMP.RI(Ⅱ)-K2 166mHo(1999)

166mHo specific activity

Approved for equivalence (2003)

APMP.RI(Ⅱ)-K2 58Co(2000)

58Co specific activity

Approved for equivalence (2004)

APMP.RI(Ⅱ)-K2 88Y(2000)

88Yspecific activity

Approved for equivalence (2005)

CCRI(Ⅱ)-K3 18F(2001)

18F specific activity

Approved for equivalence (2008)

CCRI(II)-S1 (2002-2005)

Reference of seaweed  measurement

Approved for equivalence (2012)

CCRI(II)-S3 (2002-2008)

Reference of shellfish  measurement

Piloted by INER, Approved for equivalence (2008)


100-250 kV X-ray  air kerma

Approved for equivalence (2012)

APMP.RI(Ⅱ)-S1 36Cl(2003)

36ClParticle Emissivity

Approved for equivalence (2005)

APMP.RI(Ⅱ)-K2 139Ce(2004)

139Ce specific activity

Approved for equivalence (2007)

APMP.RI(Ⅱ)-K2 134Cs(2005)

134Cs specific activity

Approved for equivalence (2008)


30-300 kV X-ray air kerma

Approved for equivalence (2009)

APMP.RI(II)-K2 133Ba(2006)

133Ba specific activity

Approved for equivalence (2013)


60Co air kerma

Approved for equivalence (2014)


10-50 kV X-ray air kerma

Approved for equivalence (2014)

APMP.RI(II)-K2 131I(2009)

131I  specific activity

Approved for equivalence (2014)


10-50 kV X-ray  air kerma

Piloted by INER, draft A report


60Co uncertainty analysis of  activity

Piloted by OAP/Thailand, draft B report.


60Co absorbed dose to water

Approved for equivalence (2016).

APMP.RI(I)-S1 (2010-2011)

60Co high-dose dosimetry using alanine dosimeters

Approved for equivalence (2015)

APMP.RI(I)-K1.1 (2010-2011)

60Co air kerma

Approved for equivalence (2016)


ambient dose equivalent of  neutron

Piloted by ARPANSA/Australia


absorbed dose of beta

Piloted by NMIJ/Japan, draft B report


ISO4037 narrow spectrum of air kerma

Piloted by NMIJ/Japan, draft B report.

APMP.RI(II)-S3.Cs-134.Cs-137 (2013-2014)

activity measurement of Cs - 134 and Cs - 137 in brown rice

Piloted by KPISS/Korea

APMP.RI(II)-K2.Fe-59 (2014)

Activity of radionuclide Fe-59

Piloted by INER

APMP.RI(II)-K5 (2014-2015)

Cs-137 comparsion of air-kerma

Piloted by NMIJ/Japan


100-250 kV X-ray  air kerma

Piloted by PTB/Germany


Ir-192 Remote After-Loading Brachytherapy source of  reference air kerma

Piloted by  NMIJ/Japan


Personal dose equivalent of beta

Approved for equivalence (2003)





Our History



Establish National Radiation Standard Laboratory.



Establishment of the first phase of the "Establishment and maintenance of national  standards for ionizing  radiation".


The second  five-year plan was established to establishment and maintenance a national  ionizing  radiation standard program.



Establish APMP / TCRI as the first chairman  of Asia Pacific Metrology Organization.


Become an APMP formal member.



Laboratory was certified by TAF. The new laboratory (035 hall) opened. Host Asia-Pacific medium Energy X-ray International Comparisons.


Become an associated member of CGPM and sign Mutual Recognition Arrangement  MRA.



Become an formal member of ICRM.


radioactive nuclide activity measurement standard CMC table into the BIPM Appendix C database.

TCRI dose standard and activity standard technical examiner.



Dose and neutron measurement standards CMC table into the BIPM Appendix C database.


Served as APMP / TCRI's fifth chairman (2008 ~ 2010). Obtained CIPM-MRA Logo license. Hosting Asia-Pacific medium Energy X-ray International Comparisons and it’s Results into BIPM KCDB.




Hosted Asia-Pacific Co-60 Water Absorption Dose International Comparisons.


Held a meeting of National Metrology Laboratory Development Strategy in the field of ionizing radiation.




Organized the second medium energy X-ray air-kerma comparison  of Asia-Pacific.


Completed Ir-192 reference air-kerma primary standard. Completed  graphite calorimeter system construction.




Organized  the first  popular radiation education of national standard measurement.